Monday, June 11, 2007

FUNDAY June 10, 2007

After a short service, FUNDAY was well underway.

The first game, "Golden Treasures," was coordinated by the Dharma School Teachers. Divided in teams of 10 people each, each person was sent to the south side of the church grounds to pick little treasure "boxes." Team leaders were sent to open up the boxes and count up the points - the team with the most received medals!

Next up was Hui Aikane and Dana Group's "Bingo" and the Fujinikai "Red/White Balls in the Basket," a traditional game in Japan.

The ABAs built a 1,200 square foot maze under the canopies called "A Path to Enlightenment." The Jr. YBA did "Gassho Hands" drawings and the Sangha Teens did "Frisbee Game."

The Hui Aikane and Dana Group again coordinated the "Water Balloon Toss" and the Matrons did a "Jan Ken Po Tournament."

The hot dogs finally arrived from Costco and everyone had a good time, reminiscent of the church picnic from the "old" days.

By 2:00 pm, it was all cleaned up. Thank you to the committee, headed by Rev. Nakano, and to each affiliated organization for a wonderful time.

Next week - it is the Father's Day and Graduates Service, and the All-Church Hot Dog Luncheon, provided by the Jr. YBA.

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