Monday, September 21, 2009

ABA Bingo

Thank you from the ABA for attending their bingo fundraiser! (September 19, 2009)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Obon, Obon, It's Festival Time

Thank you to those who attended our Obon Dance and Carnival, August 1st & 2nd, 2009. The turnout from the community and the neighboring temples and organizations ware terrific! We had a total of 2,000 dancers for both nights, plus all their friends watching and eating and having a good time.

To host such a "party" it takes a huge army of volunteers. A big thank you goes to all of them for their time and effort.

Until next year ...!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jodo Shinshu Creed

I affirm my faith in Amida's Infinite Wisdom and Compassion. Reciting his Sacred Name, I shall live with strength and joy.

I shall look up to Amida's Guiding Light. As I reflect upon my imperfect self, I live with gratitude for His Perfect Compassion which surrounds me at all times.

I shall follow Amida's Teachings. I shall understand the Right Path and resolve to spread the true Teachings.

I rejoice in Amida's Wisdom and Compassion. I shall respect and help my fellow men and work for the good of my community.

(The Ryoge-mon - Jodo Shinshu Creed - is the affirmation of faith and should be recited after sermons and devotionals.)

Namo Amida Butsu

Japanese American Living Legacy

The Gardena Buddhist Church Board of Directors approved the rental of our Social Hall to the Japanese American Living Legacy organization in May 2009 to hold a fundraiser dance for its program. This was after a brief presentation by the presenters to the Board, after an introduction by Rev. Nakano.

They have had similar fundraisers at other Japanese American community and religious organizations. The group started with Sansei wanting to tell the stories for their fathers who had served the United States in World War II. Eventually, they included veterans of later wars, this time including voices of the Sansei generations themselves, and oral histories of non-veterans, too.

I am not involved in the group, but I think oral histories are important for our temple, too. In 2026, we will be celebrating our 100th, and I hope by then we will have a library of stories featuring our temple's history of the ministers of years past, how our temple fared during World War II, how the community opened up as our Sangha returned to their homes in the South Bay, and how are current traditions got started.

Each year, the group of people to pool our resources get smaller and smaller, so like the work of the JA Living Legacy, the oral histories of our temple's history is important to record and review. We have our own legacies. In our structure, we have komon (counselors) and sodanyaku (advisors) for our temple. Most of them are former board chairs. They are entrusted with our legacy - their combined knowledge is a valuable commodity and resource. They uphold the decisions of the board and are sought for their advice as well.

All important decisions have been discussed with the komon and sodanyaku. To participate in an oral history will help preserve this common knowledge, so that future generations of leaders can also learn from them.

Maybe we should partner with groups like the JA Living Legacy to learn how to obtain and manage an oral history database.

Just some thoughts to ponder.

In Gassho

Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome Rev. and Mrs. Shindo

This is long overdue, but here is this blog's WELCOME to our new minister and his wife, Rev. Hosho Shindo and Mrs. Mieko Shindo. It has been six weeks and it has been very exciting.

In some ways, we are treating it like a new era, and the temple has started on a few changes. For years, members of the Sangha has spoken about these changes, and very little had been made. But now, with a fresh face, we are able to tackled the challenges of making these changes and the Sangha should be able to see them.

We are updating our Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. The temple has so many different procedures that are mandated by various legislative acts that we will have to incorporate them into our R&R.

We are still taking suggestions, so we are asking our Sangha to leave them in our suggestion box in the back of the 'Gejin' (the congragation, or sangha, part of the Hondo, or main hall). Or they can be sent to

I'll be keeping up with the posts so check back here for more information.

Sincreely in Gassho...

Friday, May 22, 2009


In the opening sequence of Walt Disney's "Mary Poppins," both Bert and Mary Poppins make note of a "change in the weather," or "the wind," indicating some change is about to be brewing, or a storm. In fact, change does occur in the awakening of Mr. Banks to his kids and the film culminates in a kite-flying sequence that also marks the farewell to Mary Poppins, as her job is now done.

The winds of change is a common metaphor, but kite-flying too has its symbols in ancient history both in Europe and in Asia as a symbol of change, and in particularly in Buddhism.

We will have our own kite-flying event come June 1st as we welcome a new head minister. We've been rolling along, doing the best as we can with Rev. Nakano, bravely making an effort on her part. We have rethinked our past on what worked and did not work and hopefully put in place some changes. A new canvas to imprint a new vision.

Until then, "go fly a kite!"

Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear

In Gassho....

Friday, April 10, 2009


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. - The Dalai Lama

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Dharma of Star Wars

We are going to start this book club discussion on The Dharma of Star Wars every third Sunday beginning April 19. The temple has about 10 books for sale.

If anyone has any questions on what they have heard at Sunday services, feel free to drop an email.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bodhisattva by Steely Dan


Would you take me by the hand
Would you take me by the hand
Can you show me
The shine of your Japan
The sparkle of your china
Can you show me

I'm gonna sell my house in town
I'm gonna sell my house in town
And I'll be there
To shine in your Japan
To sparkle in your China
Yes I'll be there

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Dharma of Star Wars

Some people inquired about a book club that we could start at our temple. There are a number of good books to start and good suggestions. But if I was going to be part of a book study group, then for the first I would have to choose "The Dharma of Star Wars" by Matthew Bortolin.

I have thought about this ever since I first saw Star Wars at the Plitt Century Theatre in Century City. Maybe George Lucas didn't have all the Buddhist facts at hand, maybe he received some philosophy watching all those Japanese samurai films as a student at USC, but whatever, Star Wars brought up some interesting points, at least I thought so then when I was in Jr. YBA.

The following five films and series of books fleshed out The Force a bit more, so if Matthew Bortolin thought there could be comparisons between Star Wars and Buddhism, why not?

Except for L. Ron Hubbard, religion is not usually covered in our exploration into the future in science fiction, at least religion that we know of today. But if these religions have lasted for 2,000 years, then why could they not be around 2,000 more? And why only Hubbard is going around talking about it and no one else?

I remember a book I picked up that was about the future and the nine Buddhist paradises. I can't even find the title of the book. It had to do with levels of enlightenment, although it was also vaguely similar to Dante's trilogy as well.

If anyone is interested please email me. Once we get started, I'll post our discussion and our relevations here.