This blog was meant to be an extension of the Megumi and allow visitors to the Facebook page for Gardena Buddhist Church to learn something. So for a short while, I would try to recap what we heard on Sundays.
It takes a little time to write up something, and of course, if there was something to write up it would make it easier.
Instead of recapping Sunday's Dharma Talk, I hope to add some things that I have heard that you may like to know on your journey along the White Path.
Currently, I am reading "The Three Pure Land Sutras: A Study and Translation: by Hisao Inagaki. The study portion is interesting on how the concepts of Pure Land and Nembutsu developed. And why Shinran selected the seven as the Seven Patriachs.
The translations of the sutras are interesting, and you wonder how the ancient people memorized these sutras so that we can read them today.
In Gassho,