In the opening sequence of Walt Disney's "Mary Poppins," both Bert and Mary Poppins make note of a "change in the weather," or "the wind," indicating some change is about to be brewing, or a storm. In fact, change does occur in the awakening of Mr. Banks to his kids and the film culminates in a kite-flying sequence that also marks the farewell to Mary Poppins, as her job is now done.
The winds of change is a common metaphor, but kite-flying too has its symbols in ancient history both in Europe and in Asia as a symbol of change, and in particularly in Buddhism.
We will have our own kite-flying event come June 1st as we welcome a new head minister. We've been rolling along, doing the best as we can with Rev. Nakano, bravely making an effort on her part. We have rethinked our past on what worked and did not work and hopefully put in place some changes. A new canvas to imprint a new vision.
Until then, "go fly a kite!"
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
In Gassho....