As I See It
By Alan Kita, Chairman of the Board
We just had our general meeting in November. We received a letter from the Bishop’s
Office, so we know we won’t be without a head minister for very long.
Our guest speaker for Obon Service, Rev. Shinji Okada, had his retirement luncheon
November 15, 2008. We had a few of our members attend – I had a conflict of schedule
with ---
“Fun Food Friendship 2” – the Adult Buddhist Association event at Orange County
Buddhist Church. I picked up our Laughter Yoga leader, Antoin Rodriguez at the
Anaheim Station (he came from San Diego County). When I was getting near Anaheim, I
noticed all of the sudden that the sky was dark brown instead of the bright blue that it was in Gardena. By the time I got to the train station, the sky was dark and thick with smoke
and ash.
Some of the guests had difficulties getting to OCBC for the event, but we did have a good time getting into laughter. Antoin said that laughing was good to help clear our minds. It is like saying Nembutsu.
After the dinner of handmade tortillas and tacos, we got into dancing, with the help of Ms. Gerri Simmons, we started with some instruction on basic line dancing. The laughing and the line dancing really broke the ice for those who were able to venture out of the firestorm to attend.
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In February the BCA National Council will meet at the Hyatt Regency Irvine, hosted by
Southern District and Orange County Buddhist Church. For that event, the ABA will be
hosting “Odorimasho” a dance for all at the hotel, February 28, 2008. The cost is $30 and the proceeds will help the Campaign 21. Meeting rates are available to anyone for that one night. It’s a good idea since the National Council Eitaikyo service the next morning is open to all Southern District members. (This will be in place of services at our temple – look for bus details later.)
The following year, the BCA National Council Meeting will be held in conjunction with
the BCA 750th Memorial Service for Shinran Shonin. That event will be hosted by
Central District and San Jose Betsuin. I hope people will attend that event, too.
And … that is not enough, every 50 years is the memorial service at Hongwanji in Kyoto.
The last time it was held in 1961, incidentally the year I was born. So I plan to be there in 2011, and I hope you will join me too. There will be groups going, so I hope we can organize a group from our temple – so start putting money aside.
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We received a thank you note from the Miura family for our contributions to the funeral service. We also received a thank you note from Hanford Buddhist Church for our hospitality when they came to attend the services.
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I attended the Dharma School teachers installation luncheon which was postponed
because of the funeral service. Also, the Jr. YBA installation dinner and recently, the installation luncheon for Hui Aikane. Each one was enjoyable to attend.
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Each organization are thinking of ways to expand their membership. This is good news. It is important to spread the Nembutsu. We have a responsibility for others to hear the Dharma.
I am taking a class entitled, “Urban Conservation Biology.” We are studying the
importance of native wildlife and environment areas of southern California. It really
makes you think of the cycles of life and the impermanence of nature. Wildfires are also part of the southern California environment and is very important to the environment. On the other hand, we, as humans, must learn how to live with our environment. The Gardena Willows, Madrona Marsh, the Harbor wetlands and the dunes along Torrance and Redondo beaches are remnants of a vast ecosystem that existed before humans got here and it is important that we care for what is left, so that we can coexist together.
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The budget that was past is very tight. I can see that the new minister could plan a good Buddhist Education program from it, and we are able to make improvements to our
facility. We do need members to give their dana and not only stay as members, but help
us by getting more people to join. If there are types of education programs you like to see for adults, please let me know.
Thank you.